
FAFSA和CSS概要考虑了几个因素, 包括调整后的总收入, 缴纳的联邦税和州税, 资产及持股, 家庭的规模, 还有兄弟姐妹上大学的人数. 援助申请提供预期家庭捐款(EFC), 或者你需要支付的教育费用. 实际的自付费用可能会有所不同,可能大于或小于你的EFC.

你的经济援助奖将列出你符合资格的每一个奖项. We assume that you will accept any grants or scholarships offered to you but you will need to take additional steps during the summer months to secure loan resources you have been offered. Be aware that the amount listed for any loan program is the maximum amount you are eligible to borrow for the year. 如果你选择的话,你有权借比提供的金额少的钱.

Continuing students are notified of financial aid offers for the upcoming academic year in June, 毕竟春季成绩已经公布了, 一旦你的FAFSA和任何要求的验证文件已经提交.

 重要的是: Students attending more than one college during the same term can only receive financial aid from one institution. 如果这种情况适用于你,你必须通知我们的办公室.

Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to maintain eligibility for financial aid.

试图预测你在未来几年获得经济援助的资格, keep in mind that changes in your family's financial situation will affect the total of your financial aid award. 如果你的家庭经济状况有所改善, you should expect that your need-based aid will likely decrease; similarly, if finances take a downturn it will generally lead to a greater total of financial aid being awarded.



验证 is a process w在这里 the University confirms the accuracy of the information you submitted on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).

联邦处理机构或澳门金沙赌城线上游戏可以选择申请进行验证. Being selected does not necessarily mean that you've made mistakes or that we don't trust the information that you've provided. The goal is simply to ensure that we use accurate information to make the best financial aid awarding decisions.

We are required to correct inaccurate information discovered through the verification process with the federal processing center and use the verified information in determining eligibility for financial aid. Corrections to your FAFSA information may cause a change in your eligibility and result in a revision to aid offered prior to verification being completed.


在提交或更正FAFSA后, notification is sent to you by the federal processing center that a Student 援助 Report (SAR) is available for viewing. 仔细检查SAR. If the federal processing center selected you for verification, it will be indicated on the report.

If your financial aid offer from 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 indicates that the award is estimated and verification is required, 或者你收到一封电子邮件,要求你提交验证文件, 您已被选中进行验证. 请阅读我们所有的信件并及时回复.


每个学生的验证过程可能不同. Students selected for verification will be notified by 金融援助 of what is needed to complete the verification process.

如果您完成了2024-25年的FAFSA,并提供了父母(供款人)的信息, 你需要提交, 如果适用:


如果你完成了你的2024-25年FAFSA,没有父母(贡献者)的信息, 你需要提交, 如果适用:


Some students may also be asked to confirm high school completion status and/or identity/statement of educational purpose. Please Note: If the statement of educational purpose is not presented in person to Student Financial Services it will require notarization.


一旦我们的办公室收到您提供的所有所需文件, 正常的处理时间是10-14天.  You will be notified once verification is complete and if any adjustments have been made to your financial aid package.


请参阅提交文件(IDOC) 下面.  




如果您对您的税收进行了修订(IRS表格1040X), you will need to provide a signed copy of the 1040X that you submitted to amend your original return.


注意:验证必须不迟于10月1日完成. All need-based aid will be cancelled in full if verification is outstanding after this date.



If your family has an unusual financial circumstance that is not accurately reflected on your household's current tax information, 您可以要求审查,以确定是否可以作出调整.


Consideration of special circumstance does not guarantee an adjustment or increase to financial aid eligibility.  对特殊情况的调整是根据资金供应情况而定.  We have developed guidelines to help you understand what we can and cannot consider as special circumstances.

虽然特殊情况考虑的本质是逐案审查, we find that families often want some guidelines regarding what we can and cannot consider to assist them in deciding whether or not to submit a special circumstances request.

  • Involuntary Loss of 就业 resulting in an anticipated reduction of at least 15% in total income.  Unemployment must have occurred at least eight weeks before requesting a 特殊情况下 Appeal.
  • 未纳税收入或福利的损失,如赡养费或子女抚养费
  • 因父母/配偶合法分居或离婚而减少收入
  • 因父母/配偶死亡而减少收入
  • 高昂的医疗和(或)牙科费用 支付 within the prior 2 calendar years that exceed 15% of total income (do not include copays)

如果这些情况中的任何一个适用于你, 请澳门金沙赌城线上游戏的办公室与您指定的财务援助顾问.

什么  符合特殊情况?
  • 兄弟姐妹的私立学校学费,除非因残疾而必须入学
  • 由于失去加班或奖金而造成的年度收入波动
  • 个人消费债务,如信用卡或汽车付款
  • Parental unwillingness to support educational expenses associated with enrollment at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网
  • 排除个人纳税申报表中申报的营业收入
  • Requests to match offers from other college or universities; 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 does not change or negotiate awards based on comparisons with financial aid awards received from other colleges.

Appeals must be made in writing and must include a detailed description of the circumstance as well as appropriate documentation.  We must first confirm the accuracy of the information provided on your aid application(s), 因此,您还必须提供 验证文件.   

对你的特殊情况申诉的审查将由一个委员会完成. Notification regarding the outcome of the review is typically sent within 10 to 14 days of receipt although additional processing time may be needed if more information is required.


澳门金沙赌城线上游戏使用美国大学理事会的机构文件服务(IDOC)作为家庭提交敏感财务信息的安全平台. Documents uploaded to IDOC as part of your 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 aid application are made available only to the 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 financial aid office.

Students needing to submit information will receive an email from the College Board on behalf of 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 with instructions on accessing IDOC. Note that your CBFin援助 ID (provided in the College Board’s email) and SSN or date of birth will be needed to access IDOC.

可以访问IDOC的概述 在这里.